
 Sean Johnson: I want to create generational wealth for my family and others that think like wise.

Name: Sean Johnson

Social Media Handle/Username: Iamlegendseanj

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Introduce Yourself/Tell About Yourself: I’m 44 and a truck driver. I’m currently living in Virginia. I have my own truck business that I aim to get going soon. I do my music thing more on the side now cause bills don’t stop and I moved here for better opportunities and a different way of life.

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What Inspires You Every day? : Just waking up is a blessing and another day to get it right. What inspires me is just wanting to show my people it’s other ways to be good out here besides doing wrong. I love showing love. It’s enough hate and ignorance in this world already.

What is some words of wisdom you live by?: Treat people how you want to be treated. It’s so simple. Proper planning prevents poor performance is major.

What is your ultimate goal in life? : Self made multimillionaire but why stop there.? I want to create generational wealth for my family and others that think like wise.

What are your thoughts on people who seek attention on social media, and what message would you like to give them? : To each is own. I know people that are searching for attention in real life. I guess long as you not doing anything illegal you good. It’s entertaining and if I don’t want to see it I skip it real quick. Now I’ve been getting rid of negativity and replacing it with positive quotes and millionaire mindsets. I’m still working on it but it’s a must!

How would you help people around the world who are going through mental health problems? : First you have to see what the problem is. Everybody issues are different. But laughing is always therapeutic. Some problems are much more so I’d say know what’s going on first then approach it as such.

How would you describe a better world for us all? : A respectful world. Uplifting world. A understanding world. We all have a part to play in this world. But fear is very real.

What else would you like to tell others about you or your life?: Respect is earned not given. I reciprocate that energy but now I’ve learned that sense is not common and you gotta want to be a good person. Misery loves company. I think we all have lost special people in our lives 


 But what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger 


 Live love life! 1love

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