
Jacob Belmarez:  I feel us as humans could do a better job at keeping this world a better place

Introduce yourself?: Hi my name is Jacob

What inspires you everyday?: The thing tht inspires me the most is working hard to achieve my goal in football

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What is something you would change about people in the world?: One thing i would like to change is the racism

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How do you feel about the people in the world?: I feel us as humans could do a better job at keeping this world a better place

What is something you’ve struggled with in life?: I’ve struggled with a lot but the most is school

What is a positive message you would give others?: I would tell them to never give up and always try to succeed no matter what life throws at u just know it’s trying to make u better

if you could make a difference in the world how would you do that?: I would like to see a lot of the homeless get homes and have a job and to be treated like trash

Name: Jacob Belmarez

Instagram Name: Football_02best

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