
Fernanda Marie Davila Alvarez:  I would impact the world by trying to out stand in my career, motivate other people to study what they want

Introduce Yourself: Im Fernanda Marie Davila Alvarez

Thoughts On People In The World?: Eventually each and everyone of us is different, unique, there is no such explanation to describe the people in the world

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What are your inspirations & goals?: To overcome my fears, accomplish my goals, to become a successful person in the future

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How would you impact the world?: I would impact the world by trying to outstand in my career, motivate other people to study what they want

Struggles In Life? : Eventually there is none for now!

How do you feel about yourself? Any changes you would make? : I like myself just for who i am, I wouldnt change myself or anything at all

What does love mean to you?: It means a connection between two human beings, either straight, bisexual, you know from the lgbt community, its a bit thing no one can explain, its what you feel, what you experience

Name : Fernanda

Instagram : Fvernandv

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