
Daniel Asomaning: Never lose hope and always rely on God.

Name: Daniel Asomaning

Social Media Handle/Username: Facebook & Instagram :Daniel Asomaning

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Introduce Yourself/Tell About Yourself: My name is Daniel Asomaning,lm 25years old I’m dark in complexion 6ft tall and I’m a businessman and an investor

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What Inspires You Every day? : That I have a living God who looks over me everything time

What is some words of wisdom you live by?: Never rely on one source of income

What is your ultimate goal in life? : To become financially independent,,,,,only relying on God not human

How have you been during the pandemic and how has it affected you? : Im good ,,it’s made me loss money to my fund manager who contracted coronavirus nd got died

What is a message you would like to give others? : Never lose hope and always rely on God

What else would you like to tell others about you or your life?: Without God we are nothing,,,,I bet you if you have God you will contract the coronavirus but you will never feel anything wrong in your body

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