
A Glimpse into the Background, Interests, Goals, and Inspiration of a Software Developer.

1. Could you share some details about your background and provide an overview of yourself?

I’m a software developer based in my hometown of Bakersfield, CA. I graduated from UC Santa Barbara in 2020 with a degree in computer science.

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2. Which areas of interest or passions are you currently pursuing in your life?

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Currently, I’m pursuing my interests in Philosophy, ancient history, science, and biblical studies through reading various books and articles.

3. What are some goals you have set for yourself to accomplish within the next 1-3 years or have you accomplished already?

Within the next 1-3 years, my goal is to earn a degree in Nursing and work as a nurse.

4. Do you have any affirmations or words of encouragement that inspire you on a daily basis?

Here are some words of encouragement that inspire me on a daily basis:

– “Believe in yourself and your capabilities. There’s a strength within you that can overcome any obstacle.”

– “Success is a journey, and failure is just a stepping stone. What truly matters is having the courage to keep moving forward.”

– “Passion for your work is the key to achieving greatness.”

– “Life becomes meaningful when we face challenges and conquer them.”

5. What challenges or obstacles have you encountered throughout your life?

Throughout my life, I have encountered challenges such as financial struggles and difficulties in passing demanding college courses. However, I believe that these challenges have made me stronger and more resilient.

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