
Timbrea Chillious: Don’t lose sight of who you are. And always stay true to who you are, don’t get caught up in the media.

Name: Timbrea Chillious

Social Media Handle/Username: @timbrea.c

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Introduce Yourself/Tell About Yourself: Hey what’s up y’all! My name is Timbrea Chillious. I am 22 years of age. I am from northeast Ohio, live in a small city known as Akron. I have a big and goofy personality. Most definitely the life of the party. I enjoy going out and having a good time with friends and family. I love love love fashion. I have eye for mixing and matching different garments and pieces. I usually put them together and post them online to influence others. One day I want to own my own clothing brand.

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What Inspires You Every day? : I have been through a lot mentally, emotionally, and finically. I fought a lot of tough battles and just off that alone it keeps me going. I owe it to myself to never give up. Also my loved ones from past generations, who have fought hard for me to be where I am today. They inspire me day in and day out to keep going and achieve all of my dreams.

What is some words of wisdom you live by?: This quote may seem pretty cheesy. It’s from a childhood favorite, The Hannah Montana Movie. “Life’s a climb but the view is great.” This to me means no matter how hard life may seem there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

What is your ultimate goal in life? : My ultimate goal in life is to be a good person, a great friend, a loving family member. Also I want to own my own million dollar clothing brand. Stores everywhere, nationwide. Models walking down the runway, strutting in my brand. And one day I’ll get there.

What are your thoughts on people who seek attention on social media, and what message would you like to give them? : Just make sure you want the attention for all the right things. Don’t lose sight of who you are. And always stay true to who you are, don’t get caught up in the media.

How would you help people around the world who are going through mental health problems? : Find a way to deal with what you’re going through. Find a way to cope, Mental issues are real! Don’t be afraid to seek help or talk to someone!

How would you describe a better world for us all? : A better world for us would be filled with love. We as a people lost sight of being kind, and being pure and genuine to one another.

What else would you like to tell others about you or your life?: I am a work in progress. I am not perfect, I have been growing and glowing day in and out, and I am proud of the woman I am becoming. I still have a long way to go but the journey isn’t over yet. You will remember my name, mark my words.

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