
Taylor Smith: You must love yourself before you can love someone else

Name: Taylor Smith

Social Media Handle/Username: taterxtotx

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Introduce Yourself/Tell About Yourself: My name is Taylor, I’m a 20 year college student from a small town in Arkansas. My interest and hobbies consist of spending time with family, basketball, investing, music, and watching way too many podcasts. I’m currently in college studying to become a teacher and later becoming a guidance counselor or principal. I chose to go down this career path because I realized early on that I want to help others and especially kids that will be our future.

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What Inspires You Every day? : By me grinding today, it will lead to me to a bright future.

What is some words of wisdom you live by?: You must love yourself before you can love someone else

What is your ultimate goal in life? : My ultimate goal in life is to retire gracefully. Be at peace and with family, relax with Mary Jane until it’s my time to go.

How have you been during the pandemic and how has it affected you? : During this pandemic I have learned things that will benefit me in the long run.

What is a message you would like to give others? : Take care of yourself and love yourself, you matter the most.

What else would you like to tell others about you or your life?: I just be vibin’

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