
Ciara Jones: I want to do God’s work and fulfill the plan he has for my life.

Name: Ciara Jones

Social Media Handle/Username: @kidrauhlciara

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Introduce Yourself/Tell About Yourself: I’m Ciara. Graduated with my BFA in Mass Media last May. I have a passion for the media arts, creative writing and national parks. I will be working at yellowstone national park for a seasonal season this summer. My faith is really important and a big part of who I am today.

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What Inspires You Every day? : The opportunity to better yourself, meet new people, discover new things and genuinely be a light in the world inspires me every day.

What is some words of wisdom you live by?: In a world full of hate be a light.
Lots of Walt Disney Quotes and Scriptures from the Bible.

What is your ultimate goal in life? : As of right now, I don’t have a specific ultimate goal in life, however I want to do God’s work and fulfill the plan he has for my life.

How have you been during the pandemic and how has it affected you? : Graduating last May was rough. We had a virtual graduation, internships got canceled, it was a mess. It definitely took a toll on my mental health for the worst. However, it’s brought out creativity in me, helped me lean on my friends more and trust God more.

What is a message you would like to give others? : If you’re alive, it’s never too late. Your age doesn’t matter when you should accomplish your goals. You are living your life, not someone else’s. Stop comparing and live your life on your own terms.

What else would you like to tell others about you or your life?: Jesus loves you!

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