
Easton: I’m a 25 year old paramedic from Dallas Texas


Hello, I’m Easton. I’m a 25 year old paramedic from Dallas Texas

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What inspires you to be a paramedic?

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I was a professional dirt bike rider. So I spent a lot of time hurt and in ambulances. When I stopped riding I figured. What the hell why don’t I become a paramedic. I’m already familiar with an ambulance.

What is a some words of wisdom you live by?

Enjoy life as much as you can

What is a positive message you would like to tell others?

With enough hard work you can do anything

What is something in life you’ve struggled with?

I don’t accept failure

What is a way you’d like to contribute to the world besides paramedics?

Being able to teach people the joy and fun of dancing

Last question how do you feel about life?

I think life is only as good as you make it. If you want an amazing life. If it’s you to make it happen.

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